Saturday, February 11, 2012


From a new blogger in town!!!

Hehehe. Macam le ade orang nak bace kan...nak sambung jugak...
I’ve created this account a while ago (in 2010 :p ) after being forced by my dearly sister but as you can I didn’t blog about anything since then. Why? Me, myself don’t know the reason. Haha. Tipu la sangat. Idea banyak cuma malas nak taip. 

Actually my sis wanted me to be one of her blog followers. I told her, I don’t have one and she said you can follow me even without having one. And I Cam tak best je. Baik bace je her entries quietly kan. So, untuk memenuhi kehendak dia, I pun created la satu but never follow her back. Hahaha. Memang nak naikkan darah dia je kan.Even so without failing she keep on asking me to do so and me...tak mahu kalah keep on demanding 10 reasons why should I do so...sengal sesangatkan. Ape2 je la, even without doing so, I told her that I’ve read all of her entries. Ok la kan...diam2 I tunjukkan support :p

Ok, from now on, without being lazy, I will update and share about anything that I think appropriate, of course, if I have some spare time. Tetiba terase macam berikrar pulak. Any comments and critics are welcome but make sure do use nice words without giving others heart attack. Kritikan membina sangat2 la I hargai tapi kalau kritikan yang hanya untuk menjatuhkan, memalukan, mangaibkan etc., I will throw them away as unwanted trash.

...................................................................See, dah tak tau nak tulis ape. Tu je la kot as introduction? Tak payah la go into personal sangat kan. Yang kenal, kenal. Yang tak kenal, I buka talian persahabatan kepada sesiape saje asalkan IKHLAS.

Till then,

p/s: I followed her back ;p

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